健康,健康, & 安全


Thriving Together: 健康,健康, and 安全

At Saint Mary's College, we are committed to the well-being of our students, recognizing that health and safety are essential for academic success and personal growth. We provides a range of resources, from the 学生健康中心 and 咨询服务 to 24/7 校园安全 and fitness facilities, all designed to create a supportive and safe environment where students can thrive. SMC的签名 WellGael program is committed to actively nurture mind, body and spirit connections on individual and community levels through programming, support services and education.  

What do you need help with today?


Interpersonal Violance

人际暴力 & 教育的关系


Essential (Basic) Needs

物理 活动 Heart

体育活动 & 娱乐

What does it mean to be a "WellGael"?

A WellGael student understands thats wellness is an active and ongoing process, seeks resources and support to thrive, finds "personal harmony" within the 8 dimension of wellness (social, 情感, 物理, 精神上的, 职业生涯, 环境, financial and intellectual) and engages with wellness-related opportunities.  From Wellness Wednesday events to educational workshops to yoga classes we strive to ensure your well-being is top priority.

students being well in various activities
Timely Care App screen taking care of you

24/7 TimelyCare

Students have free and immediate access to medical and mental health support through TimelyCare. TimelyCare offers students a 24/7 extension of Saint Mary's College medical and counseling resources that is as easy and convenient as making a video or phone call. Through the TimelyCare app on their phone or another device, students can select from a wide-ranging menu of virtual care options from licensed physicians and counselors in all 50 states – at no cost to them and without the hassle of traditional insurance. 

寻找健康,健康, & 校园安全



What are the 8 Dimensions of Wellness?


1. 社会

The socially well person has a sense of connection and a dependable support system. 

2. 环境

The 环境ly well person has good health through pleasant environments that support well-being and appreciates the relationship of the individual to nature. 

3. 知识

The intellectually well person identifies creative abilities, expands knowledge and skills and pursues life-long learning.

4. 精神上的

The 精神上的ly well person explores their sense of purpose and meaning in life through connection and self-reflection.

5. 物理

The 物理ly well person recognizes the need for 物理 activity, 睡眠,  nutrition and attends regular medical check-ups.  

6. 金融

The financially well person is aware of their current financial situation and manages finances to achieve realistic goals.

7. 职业生涯

The professionally well person has personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work.   

8. 情感

The 情感ly well person copes effectively with life, 管理情绪, creates satisfying relationships and would consider seeking help if needed.